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Abonnement - {{ line_item.title }} Supprimer {{ line_item.title }} Supprimer {{ wu_format_money(line_item.subtotal) }} / {{ line_item.recurring_description }} {{ wu_format_money(line_item.subtotal) }}
Remises {{ wu_format_money(order.totals.total_discounts) }}
Taxes {{ wu_format_money(order.totals.total_taxes) }}
Le grand total d’aujourd’hui {{ wu_format_money(0) }} {{ wu_format_money(order.totals.total) }}
Total in {{ $moment.unix(order.dates.date_trial_end).format(`LL`) }} - end of trial period. {{ wu_format_money(order.totals.total) }}
  • Next fee of {{ wu_format_money(order.totals.recurring.total) }} will be billed in {{ $moment.unix(order.dates.date_next_charge).format(`LL`) }}.
  • Réduction appliquée : {{ order.discount_code.name }} - {{ order.discount_code.code }} ({{ order.discount_code.discount_description }}) {{ wu_format_money(-order.totals.total_discounts) }} Supprimer

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